
Monday, October 20, 2008

Baby Shower Food: Intimacy At Baby Showers Makes Future Babies

Let us stick with tradition that is here to stay and that is celebrating the birth of a new born infant and the baby shower party to recognize his/her forthcoming presence.

On receiving the good news about the pregnancy friends and family gather to offer their congratulations and fuss over the parents-to-be. But the fussing does not end there, more fuss to come when organizing a baby shower celebration.

If the baby shower is properly planned then you will wonder what all the fuss about.

A good time to throw a baby shower is at least a couple of months before the due date of the new arrival. Remember there are some cultures that do not practise celebrating in a baby shower because of their beliefs where they believe it is bad luck before the infants birth.

Why all the excitement over the new born where baby showers are in order to celebrate babys being.


Think about it, you dont get a second chance because you never have the same baby twice. So do it in style and join in the fun for every new edition to the family.

Making plans for baby shower food is very important. You will want the decoration theme and invitations perfect. But perfection on the day stays with the spread you lay on the table.
You have your little prince/princess on the way now it is time to lay a feast fit for king/queen.

Popular table fillers are
Pies (pizzas.)
Dessert (cakes, cookies, ice cream, jelly.)
Drinks (punch, juice, wine.) These are just a few ideas and choices are endless but it is up to you what you have on the day

Consider a sit down meal for all the invited guests at the baby shower, remember this is about timing. Make sure to properly map out your list of duties and get the scheduling of the meal right, if not expect your plans to go all topsy turvy.

An easier option is snacks, just as appetizing and filling and less dishes to wash if served on disposable plates. Finger sandwiches filled with different pates, sliced chicken or turkey with fresh salad. Dips of different flavours go down well.

If your theme for the baby party is of a Disney character then work around this with a baby shower cake made up of the cartoon figure which you will find makes a fabulous centrepiece also.
Remember a pretty table makes pretty eating. Decorate the table with baby items cuddly toys, confetti, candy.

It is good to know a more intimate side to your guest then this will give you an idea what food to serve e.g. if vegetarian no steak if on a diet no cakes.

Draw the line on how intimate you get because this baby shower is about THIS BABY not any future ones.

About the Author

If this day is to be remembered for as long as ever after then be sure to browse this fabulous site for fantastic ideas/themes. All you could possibly want to announce babys presence can found here at

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Looking For Baby Gifts Online?

Baby gifts online is a convenient way to choose a lovely gift for that special baby. When you look for baby gifts online you will have a wonderful selection of items.

Look for websites that have baby gifts online in basket form. There are many choices and these baby gifts online make the perfect gift. Choose a basket that contains vintage baby items for the nursery. Look for baby gifts online in baskets that have shoes and socks or a cute selection of bibs. Some baby gifts online that come in baskets contain toys and books. Selecting these baby gifts online is fun because you can choose a basket that is already made up or you can design your own.


Purchasing baby gifts online is a good idea if you are looking for jewelry for the baby. There are necklaces, tiny bracelets and rings. Many websites have a beautiful choice of items and you may find matching jewelry for the mom.

There are many unique baby gifts online that you will not find in most baby stores. It is fun to spend an hour or two browsing online stores for the latest baby gifts.

When you look for baby gifts online you may be able to save a little money, too. There are specials on many of the websites and sometimes excellent pricing on close-out items.

If you are looking for baby gifts online be sure to compare prices. You may find exactly the same item on one website that sells for less on another website.

There is almost no end to what you will find when you look for baby gifts online. Even if you are looking for the baby who already has everything you will be able to find something that is special. Baby gifts online; the easy answer to a wonderful baby gift!

About the Author

Craig Thornburrow is an Author and Business Owner - You can find baby gifts online at

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Newborn Baby’s First Nights At Home: Tips To Help Your Baby Learn To Sleep Throughout The Night

You have a new baby, oh what wonder and joy this little guy or gal is, however, you have not had a good night’s sleep since being home with this wonderful little creature. Don’t give up. You can help your new baby sleep all night, every night. And remember, you are certainly not alone. Sleepless nights are something common for most new parents.

Newborn babies often sleep 16 or more hours per day. Their sleep time, however, is often done in stretches of just one to two hours at a time. As your baby’s nervous system matures a more consistent sleep schedule emerges and he or she can go longer between feedings.

By the time your new baby reaches three months of age he or she will probably be sleeping for as long as five hours during the night. At six months of age, nighttime stretches of nine to 12 hours are most likely.


Look over the following tips to help your baby become a good sleeper:

• Encourage activity during the day: During the waking hours with your baby keep him or her busy by talking, singing and playing. Provide your baby with lots of light. This type of stimulation during the day can help promote better sleep at night.

• Monitor your baby’s naps: Allow your baby regular naps during the day and not large chunks of time that may cause your baby to stay wide awake at night.

• Follow a consistent bedtime routine: If you bath, cuddle, sing or read to your baby just before bedtime he or she will soon associate these activities with sleep.

• Put your baby to bed drowsy but awake: This technique helps your baby associate bed with the process of falling asleep. Place your baby to sleep on his or her back. Clear the crib or bassinet of blankets and other soft items.

• Give your baby time to settle down: If your baby fusses when you first put him to bed, allow him or her to find a comfortable position for falling asleep. If the crying does not stop within a reasonable amount of time, try speaking calmly to your baby and stroke his or her back to provide reassurance of your presence.

• Consider using a pacifier: If your baby has trouble settling down, try using a pacifier at naptime and bedtime to help reduce his anxiety. One problem of using a pacifier might be if he or she loses during the middle of the night and cries for its replacement. Guess who has to get up in the middle of the night to find the pacifier for baby?

• Expect frequent stirring at night: Don’t be alarmed if you hear your baby squirming and wriggle as they sleep. This is quite normal. Some babies can be noisy. All these things may simply be a sign of settling down. Unless you suspect your baby is hungry or uncomfortable (needing a diaper change or whatever), it is OK to wait a few minutes to see if he or she finally settles down. If not, then better check on baby.

• Keep nighttime care low-key: When you feed your baby or care for he or she during the night, use dim lights, a soft voice and very calm movements. This will teach your baby that it is time to sleep and nothing else.

Some babies sleep throughout the night the first night home. I know my baby slept through the night straight from the beginning of our nights at home. She was such a good baby I would always say.

However, not all babies are alike; respect your baby’s preferences. Take time to understand your baby’s schedule and ways of communicating. They will eventually settle down and sleep the whole night through. If your baby is still fussy at nighttime by age 6 months, ask your baby’s doctor for instruction and suggestions.

The goal here is for everyone to get a good night’s sleep. It is not a measure of your parental skill or a sign of a good or bad baby. I just always thought my baby was the absolute best at everything, and sleeping throughout the night was just one more reason I thought she was “perfect.” She has paid me back though as an adult, and what I got to say about her now is not the same…..At times I ask myself is this the same person I use to know as a baby, toddler and child?

Source: Mayo Clinic, personal knowledge

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about specific medical concerns.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. Article written 2-2007.

About the Author

Connie Limon. Please visit our collection of Nutrition and Health articles at http://nutritionandhealthhub.comArticles are available for FREE reprint to your newsletter, website or blog. Please sign up for our weekly nutrition and health tips.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Want More Help On How To Take Care Of A Baby?

Many people know the kind of person who does not have a child but thinks that they have all the answers when it comes to knowing how to take care of a baby. However, do these people really know how to take of a baby? No one has all of the answers when it comes to knowing how to take care of a baby, but there are several things that new parents should know.

In Order to Know How to Take Care of a Baby, You Must Have Common Sense

When it comes to the personal traits that new parents should have when it comes to knowing how to take care of a baby, common sense is perhaps the most important. Every baby is different, and so trying to take advice from a parenting book and follow it exactly will not work, and that is where common sense is necessary.

For example, if your new baby is crying all the time and not getting enough sleep, your first instinct might be to consult a parenting book for advice. However, you notice that the advice you follow from the parenting book is not working, so the next thing you need to do is improvise with common sense. It is times like these that will test your parenting instincts!

Another common mistake that new parents make when it comes to figuring out how to take care of a baby is in regard to how often to feed the baby. Newborns need to be fed a certain amount of times a day on a set schedule. However, some parents make the mistake of feeding the baby whenever the baby seems to be hungry. This can affect the baby’s digestion, so be sure that the baby has a set feeding schedule.

Some parents think that they can take their baby out with them shopping as soon as the baby comes home from the hospital. This is not a good idea, since babies can be very susceptible to colds. So, if you do want to take your newborn out, only do so for short periods of time.

When it comes to knowing how to take care of a baby, no one can know everything. All babies are different, and as such, you will need to get to know your baby to figure out the best way to care for the baby. As a new parent, figuring out how to take care of a baby will be a difficult task, but it will also be a very rewarding one.

About the Author

Ann Marier has written many articles on health problems and useful house and garden Topics. More articles on Baby Care tips and advice on how to care for a baby

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Looking For A Special Baby Gift?

When you want a really special baby gift consider embroidered baby gifts. Embroidered baby gifts are so nice that they often become family heirlooms.

First of all if you want to find embroidered baby gifts you will have many choices. Look for embroidered baby gifts for boys and girls. You will be able to buy embroidered baby gifts of clothing in newborn sizes and also for babies up to about a year old.

Embroidered baby gifts of clothing may include dresses, gowns, overalls, t-shirts and pajamas. These embroidered baby gifts are often made by hand and the quality is usually excellent. You may even find sweaters, shoes, hats and bibs that feature embroidery.

If you would rather have embroidered baby gifts that are not clothing you will have other choices. There are super-soft embroidered baby blankets on the market. You may also want to look for diaper bags or bedding for the crib.

Now that you have some great ideas for embroidered baby gifts you have to figure out where to find these beautiful gifts. There are businesses that will embroider most items for you. Just purchase the gift and you can have it embroidered.

You can also find embroidered baby gifts in catalogues or at specialty stores. There are baby boutiques that carry embroidered baby gifts. If you would like to make the gift really special you can embroider the baby gift yourself.

For the best selection of embroidered baby gifts look at online sites. When you shop online you will be exposed to thousands of items. Many of these embroidered baby gifts will not be available in catalogues or at stores. It’s easy to order embroidered baby items online, too.

Embroidered baby gifts are among the nicest gifts you can choose. Look for embroidered baby gifts if you are looking for a really lovely gift.

Craig Thornburrow is an Author and Business Owner - You can find baby gifts online at


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Monday, September 8, 2008

How to Make a Smart Baby

If intelligence is the ability to learn, then babies are born geniuses! While babies brains have the potential to learn just about anything, parents have an important part to play in determining just how much - and how easily - their baby learns. Here, we discuss the key issues to bear in mind when teaching your baby.

A unique window of opportunity: five months gestation to five years of age
The younger the brain, the more malleable it is - thats why small children are like sponges. The brain builds itself by forming connections in response to the stimulation it receives. A baby begins responding to sound during month five in the womb, when her sense of hearing becomes fully developed. This means that learning begins before birth.

After birth, the brain continues wiring itself in response to the babys experiences of the world. Learning is faster and more effortless than it will ever be again. Acquiring our native language from birth guarantees proficiency, regardless of how linguistically gifted we turn out to be as adults - and the same holds true for other subjects. Everyone can become proficient in reading, math or music, so long as they begin learning as babies.

- Babies love to learn!
Babies brains are hardwired for learning, making babies the most avid students in the world. Whats more, babies and small children carry none of the baggage that comes from being sent to school and being subjected to quizzes, tests and examinations. For babies, learning is pure enjoyment.

- Teaching should never be forced
Regular practice is important, but not to the point of forcing. Above all, your child should enjoy the learning process. Hold lessons only when he is receptive, and end them before he loses interest.

- Play is essential
Babies and children need time to explore the world around them, pick up objects and examine them, and get to grips with the laws of nature. Your baby should spend the majority of her waking hours engaged in hands-on play.

- Relax and have fun!
Avoid focusing on having your child achieve specific knowledge goals. Treat lesson time instead as an opportunity for strengthening the parent-child bond. Teaching your baby should never become a source of stress for either one of you. If you feel this is happening, reevaluate your approach or trim down the lesson program as necessary.

Help! I dont have time
Teaching babies used to be a time-heavy commitment, with parents having to make their own flash cards and other materials. These days, high-quality book-, DVD- and software-based programs mean that no lesson preparation is required. As for giving lessons, this takes as little as five minutes per day.

If you use DVD or software-based programs, be aware that babies should only look at a screen for short periods of time. In this article on TV Computers, you can find out more on making TV and computer use safe and beneficial for babies.

Teaching Your Baby To Read
As increasing numbers of children are learning to read words by the age of one, and books by age three, the idea that children can only begin reading from age five or six has come into serious question. Children whove learnt to read as babies have a much easier time reading in the first and second grade. Whats more, almost all babies love to read!

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Baby Announcements

Birth announcements

There are a lot of ways to go about birth announcement nowadays – the time when fathers hand out cigars to their friends is long gone past. Though the cigar were really cute with a blue or pink ribbon wrapped around it for a whimsical touch – of course, pink for the girls and blue for the boys. Consider giving baby announcements to inform your family and friends that your baby is finally here. Give them to people who you think will want to share in your exciting news. Include a picture on your announcement to show off your cute little baby. Hand out the announcement as close to birth day as possible.

Also, you can email your baby's information to your family and friends as soon after your child arrives. Their birth date, time of birth, their measurements and you can even scan their footprint and include that on the message. The picture of your newborn could come later – but not later than six months. Ready-made cards that are for baby announcements are available at your local store, but if you want it to be extra special, you can order customized cards that are made especially for your baby. You can also print your own cards -- all you need is a publishing program, board paper, colored printer and a dash of creativeness.

You can also submit your baby announcement to your local newspaper and let them publish the arrival of your precious baby. A lot of people do this, though the process is a little impersonal and costly.

Unless the newspaper prints your announcement for free. Another way is to make online announcements and your baby's own cyberspace. You can make your baby an account to social networking websites and include their photos and information for your friends and family to view. The great thing about this is that you can update their site from time to time add pictures, videos or anything special that is happening to your little one.

If you throw a party – make sure that the theme of the party reflects the arrival of your baby. This may cost you money but you can just have a simple get-together with your family and friends for a chance to play with your baby. Of course there will be no alcoholic drinks and smoking in the party. And do not let your guests stay too late as to not overwhelm your baby. You can also announce our baby's arrival by handing out candies. You can order online for candies that are wrapped in personalized wrappers. You can also give away something that reflects your personality. If you are in a restaurant business, then you can give out colored spoon or if you are a dentist you can give out toothbrushes that are wrapped with a colored ribbon.

There are a hundred and one ways to do baby announcements, but if you still prefer to hand out cigars – it is okay as long as you remember that what matters most is sharing your little joy to other. Have a great birth announcement!

Article Source:

Jack Bottash is author of this article on baby shower invitations. Find more information about baby announcements here.

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Music and Your Baby

When a baby is first born, it can be a very trying time for the parent. Most mothers I have spoken to have told me that it’s a 24 hour nonstop job to parent a new born child. I have always heard of their inability to get any rest as they tend to the many needs of their child. As soon as it seems like the baby is asleep and they feel like they too can get some rest, then out of nowhere the screaming starts again. That’s when the rocking, nursing, rubbing, or anything else they can think of begins in an attempt to get their baby to relax and go back to sleep. On often overlooked ways to calm their baby down is also one of the most effective – music!

Just as music has the ability to affect our moods in adulthood, it has the same if not more ability to do so in infants. A lot of research done by many different organizations has proved that music can benefit a baby in many different ways. A nice calming lullaby has been used for centuries to calm babies down. An upbeat energetic song can create excitement in a baby. And even classical music has been said to increase creativity in children – called the Mozart effect. With today’s technology we have the added benefit of pre-recorded music that we play in a cd player and get all these benefits for your child with the push of a button. So now you can walk into your crying baby’s room and put on a nice calming lullaby and watch your baby relax, be completely entertained, and most importantly go back to sleep. There are lullaby cds that were created just for this purpose that can be obtained from websites like SuggleandNurture. In addition to music, your babies comfort is a very important aspect of a happy baby.

A comfortable outfit in conjunction with music can put your baby in heaven and lead to a relaxing night of sleep for you and your baby. SnuggleandNurture has teamed their high quality comfortable baby outfits with a cd of relaxing lullaby music where the lullaby music cd included for free with the purchase of any one of their baby outfits. If you are looking for a way to make you baby happy, increase your child’s creative development, and to get a good night’s sleep then you will want to get the right baby outfit with the right music.

Article Source:

Fern Helms owns and operates her online store SnuggleandNurture. She created this store to fill a growing need for parents of newborns to get a good night’s sleep with comfortable baby outfits and relaxing lullaby music.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

Should You Buy Toddler Size Furniture

By: Bob Benson

Your baby has grown into a full-fledged toddler and is ready for a "big girl" or "big boy" bed. Have you seen the latest toddler furniture? It's cute! But you really don't have to spend a lot to make your toddler comfortable in his or her bedroom.

Your first decision will be whether to buy a toddler bed. The toddler bed is a piece of furniture sized just right for babies who are too big for their crib. Most use the mattress from the crib, however, so they are not actually that much bigger in size. Toddler beds just get the child accustomed to sleeping without rails all around and is low enough that if the child rolls out, he won't get hurt.

Has your child grown quickly? If so, you might think about skipping the toddler bed as furniture and buy a twin size bed instead. You can purchase rails made of cloth and plastic that do a fine job of keeping the child in the bed and allowing him more room for movement. If you are looking to save money, this is one way to do it. By buying a twin bed you've eliminated the often expensive toddler size furniture that will only have to be upgraded later.

Should you buy a toddler size dresser? Again, the toddler furniture is precious, but do you expect your two or three year old to always put away his socks, underwear or t-shirts? The purchase of toddler size furniture is less about function and more about how absolutely adorable it is. Unless you just have money to blow, invest in furniture that will last the child (or someone else in the family later if it doesn't match his room any more) for a lifetime. If you buy a six drawer dresser now you can still insist your toddler help put his things away by putting items like socks, shirts and under clothes in the lower drawers. Since the furniture will be heavier, help open and close the drawers for him to avoid smashing his little fingers.

When considering furniture for a toddler's room remember to keep special needs in mind. Some children have allergic reactions to compressed woods, or the glues used to hold them together. If you have just bought new furniture that seems to have a loud smell and your child develops allergy symptoms, let your doctor know. It may help pin down the allergy culprit without undergoing a lot of tests.

Use the money you save by not buying toddler furniture to change the décor in your child's room often. A toddler who likes Big Bird one day may be crazy over princesses or Thomas the Tank Engine another day. Use standard colors that match the furniture you've selected and you can change themes of the room as often as your child changes favorites. Your toddler's room can still be cute and as unique as his ever changing personality even if you don't sink a lot of money into toddler sized furniture.

Author Bio
Bob Benson is the founder of Furniture online. You can check out our website at

Article Source: - Free Website Content

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Baby Crib Advice and Tips

By: Martin Smith

Congratulations! You have just learned that you are having a baby. Whether this is your first or not you need to look at cribs. Do you have one already? Is it an antique? A second hand crib whether antique or not needs to be carefully looked at. This is for the safety of your new baby.

The screws, bolts, and/or other fasteners should all be in place. Are they loose? Will the position of the mattress hold under your baby's weight? It is imperative that this be tested before you put your baby in the crib. Take something that approximates the weight of your baby at about 4 months old. Bounce it off the mattress to be certain it will hold its position. If it doesn't it could cause serious injury to your baby or worse.

When setting up the nursery (if it isn't already up) consider very carefully where you will place the crib. If you place the crib near a window and you have Venetian blinds, either shorten the cords or anchor them somewhere that your baby can't reach and get a hold of them. If it all possible avoid placing the crib near the window. As your baby grows into a toddler and s/he attempts to climb out of the crib; s/he could possibly fall which could cause serious injury to your baby.

Blankets and your baby are not necessarily a good mix. With the incidents of SIDS today, you want to be sure to do everything that could possibly put your infant at risk. It is more advisable to put your baby to bed in a sleeper. If you absolutely have to have a blanket on the baby, tuck it tightly around and under the foot of the mattress with your baby's feet touching the footboard. Also you don't want to put the blanket any higher on the baby than up to his chest as that will help prevent him from slipping under the blankets and suffocating.

Bumper pads are a great concept but unless they are secured properly, there is a risk of your baby slipping between the mattress and the bumpers and possibly suffocating. If you use them they should be anchored in at least eight places one at each corner of the crib and at least two spaced evenly on each of the sides. There should be a total of 16 ties in all, for the top and bottom.

Mobiles are a nice addition and look adorable but... the caution here is that if you use a mobile as soon as your baby starts to sit up on his own the mobile should be taken down to prevent your baby from getting tangled in it. Also make sure that it has no small removable parts that your baby could choke on.

If your crib is second hand no matter whether you had for a previous child or you got it from someone else check out the mattress carefully. Make sure there are no cracks or holes in the mattress covering. Make sure too that the mattress properly fits in the crib. Here again, your child could slip between the mattress and the sidebars or the end boards and suffocate. The mattress should fit snugly in the crib. Now the sheets you use in your baby's crib should also fit properly and not slip and slide. Sheet anchors are available that hook on the sheet under the mattress and keep it in place.

The position of the mattress is imperative for your child's safety. Most parents put the mattress at the highest position when the baby first comes home because it is so much easier to change him in that position. As your baby becomes more active you will want to lower the mattress accordingly. Once your baby is able to pull up to a standing position put the mattress in the lowest possible position and to be sure your baby is safe, measure the distance between the top of the side bar and the mattress. In the lowest position the distance of the top of the side bar should be no more than 26 inches above the mattress. If your child's head is over the side bar or they climb out of the crib, it maybe time to move your child to a regular bed. Some cribs are convertible into beds tat will grow with your child.

The crib itself should be looked over for things that might put your baby at risk. Have you seen those cribs that have ornate designs carved into the end boards? They are beautiful but they pose a danger to your child. Your child could get his head or arm and leg caught and sustain an injury. The simpler the design of the crib the safer your child may be.

Since approximately 1974 federal safety guidelines for cribs state that the slats should be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart. This is to prevent your baby from getting his head stuck between the slats. This could cause injury to your baby but it would necessitate the removal of some of the slats and that alone would.

Author Bio
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of
Baby Crib Bedding
and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

Article Source: - Free Website Content

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Working with screaming pregnancy

They may cry a nightmare for parents, especially if you are in a supermarket or restaurant. Most children pass through this phase - in fact some children pass through this phase more than once. Both my children were little Maniacs right to shout and 1 and 3

Sometimes it may be that your child only to frustrate shout, but it is not. In general, the cry for attention, or it may simply be that only very much like him. Screamed in large construction as a shopping center can be a very good response, so it is natural that they want to experiment.

In many cases, the media word that they want something, as a rule, is something that can not and should not have. My son threw hissy fits into the second week of business, because he wants out of the trash. I had to cut short my trip and procurement carried out by car.

Work with the child screaming

Do not revenge - Sometimes you can shout right to return to his son, but, believe me, this does not work. In the end, it turns out that competition is strong, and the result is no more than a few sore throat and maybe a few tears.

The diversion - a better bet for use as divert their weapons against a child screaming. For example, if your child some candy stains in the food business and started to scream, try some healthy snack options. Or you can try to play as the game "Eye Spy". This works well in my case, although many times I have tried several other things before I succeed. For my little boy almost 2 points of things that are new for him and his repeat what I say. I say this with great enthusiasm, so that he, too, are pleased.

Prepare - Planning ahead is a good idea if you have for business. Lee has always been my snack bag along with my sippy cup. If you long day, I will also throw some toys. I'm trying to separate the toys for our own publication, so we are always interested in them because they have something special.

Programming - before leaving, make sure that your child is well. Good time to quit only after sleep time or shortly after she awakens in the morning. They also want to ensure that a full stomach. Children can be very annoying when they start to get hungry.

Let them participate - with children to the maximum extent possible, it is also a good way to avoid crying. My daughter likes to press the OK button to the ATM, if they go to the bank. He also likes to help select food items. This keeps his opinion, occupied in the task, but something other than that they do not have.

Choosing the place of family life - If you plan to eat at a restaurant with your child, for more families, places, and not peaceful or more formal. I always choose a restaurant in town when my children. It is always full and loud. That is, if my children start to shout that they are not so noticeable. They also called for "carrying a child" as soon as we were sitting, so that children can eat immediately.

Cameras vote - such as easy as asking your child to use their inner voice can easily make a trick. I always wonder how well it works. I learned that for Barney! Fun purple dragon or the fact that, of course, the practice sometimes. Or that the dinosaur? I can not recall.

Stay calm - Keeping his voice, and his quiet and gentle tone of help, a good example for your child. As you could wish his voice, preserve a neutral tone is always the situation even worse. This can be very hard, but it stands on end. In addition, many practices, but I am confident that the time that your child has grown You have a lot of them!

Deposits - If you are in the public and all will be trying to work it might be better to your child, even if it means a grocery cart full of food in mid-passage-12.

Recognize, but no one - If your child is crying because of what you anger, recognize their feelings and help them to work until the end. If they call because they want something that can not only certain calm and peace. But things are worse in the long run.

One to remember that this phase occurs. It may be hard to believe that if you are in the middle of overcrowded, and you feel like everyone looks at you because your child is screaming at the top of the lungs. It is likely that, however, that none of these people do not forget that the next day. What matters is his family and deal with them in difficult times. You can not sacrifice the opportunity to promote good behaviour in the interests of residents of certain views.

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Protecting Your Baby from the Sun

If your child is six months or less, you should Protection from direct sunlight at all times. If older than six months, it may be small more sun, but still have to be very careful because Sun burns, that much faster than adults.

Protect your child from the sun to prevent Sun burns, as well as long-term damage, such as premature wrinkles, aging, and the most serious side effects, such as melanoma.

As long as you follow these guidelines, you can still venture out into the sun with your baby and enjoy the good weather:

  • Talk to your doctor about the use of sun cream product of your child. You should be able to recommend a reliable, but do not forget to test it in a small area of infant skin before applying it everywhere.
  • it is better not to be in the sun between 10 hours and 4 hours when the sunlight can do more damage.
  • Find a cool, shady, so that your child never in direct sunlight. If there is one, should be the umbrella to find a job. Wide brimmed hats keep the sun from his head and face when you walk in the sun.
  • Protect eyes of the baby with a beautiful pair of sunglasses with UV protection enough. They are safe and lovable, if it succeeds, it could in his face long enough.
  • Keep your child to protect sensitive skin color light, tightly woven clothing. Being away from reflective surfaces such as water
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Public Symptom of pneumonia

Most commonly natural Symptom of Pnemonia disease patient is :
  • Fever
  • Hot at part of body but at foot felt colled
  • cough very often
  • Out of breath
  • Moment breathe to be heard like snoring
  • seen moment pain in bone breathe
  • puking
  • Ill at upper stomach and chest
  • do not want to eat and drink
  • drawn and tend to wighning
  • lip and radius become or return to pale because insuffiency of oxygen.
  • lose awareness
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Saturday, August 23, 2008


  1. Searching Cause baby weep, example the baby is too tired, boring or starving.
  2. Give many positive attention and also praise which are positive when babies ask something without weeping and have polite behavior.

  3. Immediately answer to swiftly if baby ask something don't wait until a baby angry.
  4. Make baby tear around by is assorted of game and activity.
  5. Give a lead what a its mannerism silly at the time of babies weep, but don't do that if the mentioned make babies fulminate.
  6. If you allow to the its permit, immediately tell ' O.K.', don't delaying baby until angry, because this make baby think that baby have to always fulminate first newly its request [is] listened too.
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Wafting heart sickness earn happened because heart or vein around heart dont formed like its it in the early forming of baby moment heart still in mother stomach. Some case are unknown how it can be happen. But from result of research mention that some wafting heart sickness earn because of rubella virus infection in young pregnant mother moment, lineage, usage of dangerous drug, alcohol drunkard, or passive smoker.

One of key efficacy of wafting heart sickness case handling is time, and in this case parrents of vital importance its role.

In general wafting heart sickness divided to two that is :
  1. Sianosis wafting heart sickness / blue wafting heart sickness
  2. Non-sianosis wafting heart sickness / wafting heart sickness is not blue
    progress of Hygiene in conducive surgical operation and dignosa for the heart sickness of wafting can be healed or improve;repaired.
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Friday, August 22, 2008

First child's mother smiles brain word

Each mother, never had a sense that the return of joy in the first child smile knows that can be poisonous.

Now scientists Baylor College of Medicine say that there is more to the baby mouth that only the peak of happy feelings. It is to make his son actually smile intensifying pleasure receptors in the brain, usually associated with food, sex - and drug abuse.

"Maybe that their own child's face, as" a natural high, "said Lane Strathearn, associate professor of pediatrics at Baylor and Texas Children's Hospital and the study of reactions in the brain of 28 for the first time mothers.

We know that similar schemes of the brain are activated, "he added." Whether they felt the same as the shot of cocaine, I'm not sure. "

Strathearn and his team used functional magnetic resonance tomography scanning for mothers brain reactions to photographs of her 5 months to 10 months for infants and other people in three states Mind: happy, sad and neutral.

Not surprisingly, given their own children happy mothers sent blood hasty "brain regions associated with dopamine, neurotransmitter, plays an important role in the prevention of drug abuse. Spaykov neural reward for the mothers of them shot prompted you to take action to care for their children, said, Strathearn. This makes sense biologically, "said Strathearn, whose work appears in the current issue of the journal Pediatrics." Conclusions that the connection between parents and children. " The work is important, said Strathearn, not only because it documented the brain activity of healthy mothers, but also because it could serve as a basis for studying the brain, as offensive or passion mother and lead to possible intervention.

"We want to understand what is happening in these relationships with mothers and babies," he added Strathearn, a scientist at Baylor Rights neyrovizualizatsii laboratory.

Do not cry baby Rack

Surprisingly, however, the image of mothers in the study did not answer, mainly because of their own children, when their views were neutral - or, if they were in danger. Scanning revealed reacted neural mothers cry for all children, by strengthening areas of the brain involved in the conflict.

"We expected the reaction from various sad person," said Strathearn. It was not clear, this could mean that mothers in response to all babies cry, not just their own.
A new study provides important insights on the mother replies to infants emotional signals, said Regina Sullivan, a researcher from the institute Joe Ledoux emotional brain that are associated with the National Council S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research and New York University.
But it was not clear until a major study of brain mystery: Is the reaction of the brain documented result of instinct or socialization?

"We do not know whether this response congenital or acquired," said Sullivan. "People tend to think that we are good parents are innate, but it so happens that child-rearing in humans and in nonhuman primates must be learned.

" You do not need to "crack"

Whether they responded instinct or expectations, the results of the survey was not surprising that "Katrina Lyon, 39, high school science teacher-Houston, joined the project three years ago, shortly before the birth of his first son.

Lyons said it is also difficult to describe the joy I felt that the first Aiden smiles or his brother Jack, 1.
"Do you feel as high? Ah, yes," said Lyon, which surrounds himself with pictures of their children. "You have to like crack. I just see them everywhere."
Pediatrics study focused on the reaction of the brain well-educated, middle-class mothers, but will have consequences for others. Mothers depression, for example, usually does not respond to their children smiling.

And other studies have shown that consumption of cocaine, drug that activates dopamine reward may be related to the brain caused by extraordinary babies smile. This can be attributed to high levels of child abuse among mothers addicted to cocaine, Strathearn said.

Other scientists engaged emotions influence of parents in childhood, but this study was limited to biological mothers and infants, Strathern said.
His work was financed by the National Institutes of Health, Kane Family Foundation, the National Institute of neurological disorders and stroke and the National Institute of Drug Abuse. If the investigation can help, Lyons said he was happy to participate.
"I think that is good for all children," he said. "Everyone deserves loving mother."
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Sunday, July 6, 2008

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