
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Working with screaming pregnancy

They may cry a nightmare for parents, especially if you are in a supermarket or restaurant. Most children pass through this phase - in fact some children pass through this phase more than once. Both my children were little Maniacs right to shout and 1 and 3

Sometimes it may be that your child only to frustrate shout, but it is not. In general, the cry for attention, or it may simply be that only very much like him. Screamed in large construction as a shopping center can be a very good response, so it is natural that they want to experiment.

In many cases, the media word that they want something, as a rule, is something that can not and should not have. My son threw hissy fits into the second week of business, because he wants out of the trash. I had to cut short my trip and procurement carried out by car.

Work with the child screaming

Do not revenge - Sometimes you can shout right to return to his son, but, believe me, this does not work. In the end, it turns out that competition is strong, and the result is no more than a few sore throat and maybe a few tears.

The diversion - a better bet for use as divert their weapons against a child screaming. For example, if your child some candy stains in the food business and started to scream, try some healthy snack options. Or you can try to play as the game "Eye Spy". This works well in my case, although many times I have tried several other things before I succeed. For my little boy almost 2 points of things that are new for him and his repeat what I say. I say this with great enthusiasm, so that he, too, are pleased.

Prepare - Planning ahead is a good idea if you have for business. Lee has always been my snack bag along with my sippy cup. If you long day, I will also throw some toys. I'm trying to separate the toys for our own publication, so we are always interested in them because they have something special.

Programming - before leaving, make sure that your child is well. Good time to quit only after sleep time or shortly after she awakens in the morning. They also want to ensure that a full stomach. Children can be very annoying when they start to get hungry.

Let them participate - with children to the maximum extent possible, it is also a good way to avoid crying. My daughter likes to press the OK button to the ATM, if they go to the bank. He also likes to help select food items. This keeps his opinion, occupied in the task, but something other than that they do not have.

Choosing the place of family life - If you plan to eat at a restaurant with your child, for more families, places, and not peaceful or more formal. I always choose a restaurant in town when my children. It is always full and loud. That is, if my children start to shout that they are not so noticeable. They also called for "carrying a child" as soon as we were sitting, so that children can eat immediately.

Cameras vote - such as easy as asking your child to use their inner voice can easily make a trick. I always wonder how well it works. I learned that for Barney! Fun purple dragon or the fact that, of course, the practice sometimes. Or that the dinosaur? I can not recall.

Stay calm - Keeping his voice, and his quiet and gentle tone of help, a good example for your child. As you could wish his voice, preserve a neutral tone is always the situation even worse. This can be very hard, but it stands on end. In addition, many practices, but I am confident that the time that your child has grown You have a lot of them!

Deposits - If you are in the public and all will be trying to work it might be better to your child, even if it means a grocery cart full of food in mid-passage-12.

Recognize, but no one - If your child is crying because of what you anger, recognize their feelings and help them to work until the end. If they call because they want something that can not only certain calm and peace. But things are worse in the long run.

One to remember that this phase occurs. It may be hard to believe that if you are in the middle of overcrowded, and you feel like everyone looks at you because your child is screaming at the top of the lungs. It is likely that, however, that none of these people do not forget that the next day. What matters is his family and deal with them in difficult times. You can not sacrifice the opportunity to promote good behaviour in the interests of residents of certain views.

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Protecting Your Baby from the Sun

If your child is six months or less, you should Protection from direct sunlight at all times. If older than six months, it may be small more sun, but still have to be very careful because Sun burns, that much faster than adults.

Protect your child from the sun to prevent Sun burns, as well as long-term damage, such as premature wrinkles, aging, and the most serious side effects, such as melanoma.

As long as you follow these guidelines, you can still venture out into the sun with your baby and enjoy the good weather:

  • Talk to your doctor about the use of sun cream product of your child. You should be able to recommend a reliable, but do not forget to test it in a small area of infant skin before applying it everywhere.
  • it is better not to be in the sun between 10 hours and 4 hours when the sunlight can do more damage.
  • Find a cool, shady, so that your child never in direct sunlight. If there is one, should be the umbrella to find a job. Wide brimmed hats keep the sun from his head and face when you walk in the sun.
  • Protect eyes of the baby with a beautiful pair of sunglasses with UV protection enough. They are safe and lovable, if it succeeds, it could in his face long enough.
  • Keep your child to protect sensitive skin color light, tightly woven clothing. Being away from reflective surfaces such as water
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Public Symptom of pneumonia

Most commonly natural Symptom of Pnemonia disease patient is :
  • Fever
  • Hot at part of body but at foot felt colled
  • cough very often
  • Out of breath
  • Moment breathe to be heard like snoring
  • seen moment pain in bone breathe
  • puking
  • Ill at upper stomach and chest
  • do not want to eat and drink
  • drawn and tend to wighning
  • lip and radius become or return to pale because insuffiency of oxygen.
  • lose awareness
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Saturday, August 23, 2008


  1. Searching Cause baby weep, example the baby is too tired, boring or starving.
  2. Give many positive attention and also praise which are positive when babies ask something without weeping and have polite behavior.

  3. Immediately answer to swiftly if baby ask something don't wait until a baby angry.
  4. Make baby tear around by is assorted of game and activity.
  5. Give a lead what a its mannerism silly at the time of babies weep, but don't do that if the mentioned make babies fulminate.
  6. If you allow to the its permit, immediately tell ' O.K.', don't delaying baby until angry, because this make baby think that baby have to always fulminate first newly its request [is] listened too.
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Wafting heart sickness earn happened because heart or vein around heart dont formed like its it in the early forming of baby moment heart still in mother stomach. Some case are unknown how it can be happen. But from result of research mention that some wafting heart sickness earn because of rubella virus infection in young pregnant mother moment, lineage, usage of dangerous drug, alcohol drunkard, or passive smoker.

One of key efficacy of wafting heart sickness case handling is time, and in this case parrents of vital importance its role.

In general wafting heart sickness divided to two that is :
  1. Sianosis wafting heart sickness / blue wafting heart sickness
  2. Non-sianosis wafting heart sickness / wafting heart sickness is not blue
    progress of Hygiene in conducive surgical operation and dignosa for the heart sickness of wafting can be healed or improve;repaired.
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Friday, August 22, 2008

First child's mother smiles brain word

Each mother, never had a sense that the return of joy in the first child smile knows that can be poisonous.

Now scientists Baylor College of Medicine say that there is more to the baby mouth that only the peak of happy feelings. It is to make his son actually smile intensifying pleasure receptors in the brain, usually associated with food, sex - and drug abuse.

"Maybe that their own child's face, as" a natural high, "said Lane Strathearn, associate professor of pediatrics at Baylor and Texas Children's Hospital and the study of reactions in the brain of 28 for the first time mothers.

We know that similar schemes of the brain are activated, "he added." Whether they felt the same as the shot of cocaine, I'm not sure. "

Strathearn and his team used functional magnetic resonance tomography scanning for mothers brain reactions to photographs of her 5 months to 10 months for infants and other people in three states Mind: happy, sad and neutral.

Not surprisingly, given their own children happy mothers sent blood hasty "brain regions associated with dopamine, neurotransmitter, plays an important role in the prevention of drug abuse. Spaykov neural reward for the mothers of them shot prompted you to take action to care for their children, said, Strathearn. This makes sense biologically, "said Strathearn, whose work appears in the current issue of the journal Pediatrics." Conclusions that the connection between parents and children. " The work is important, said Strathearn, not only because it documented the brain activity of healthy mothers, but also because it could serve as a basis for studying the brain, as offensive or passion mother and lead to possible intervention.

"We want to understand what is happening in these relationships with mothers and babies," he added Strathearn, a scientist at Baylor Rights neyrovizualizatsii laboratory.

Do not cry baby Rack

Surprisingly, however, the image of mothers in the study did not answer, mainly because of their own children, when their views were neutral - or, if they were in danger. Scanning revealed reacted neural mothers cry for all children, by strengthening areas of the brain involved in the conflict.

"We expected the reaction from various sad person," said Strathearn. It was not clear, this could mean that mothers in response to all babies cry, not just their own.
A new study provides important insights on the mother replies to infants emotional signals, said Regina Sullivan, a researcher from the institute Joe Ledoux emotional brain that are associated with the National Council S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research and New York University.
But it was not clear until a major study of brain mystery: Is the reaction of the brain documented result of instinct or socialization?

"We do not know whether this response congenital or acquired," said Sullivan. "People tend to think that we are good parents are innate, but it so happens that child-rearing in humans and in nonhuman primates must be learned.

" You do not need to "crack"

Whether they responded instinct or expectations, the results of the survey was not surprising that "Katrina Lyon, 39, high school science teacher-Houston, joined the project three years ago, shortly before the birth of his first son.

Lyons said it is also difficult to describe the joy I felt that the first Aiden smiles or his brother Jack, 1.
"Do you feel as high? Ah, yes," said Lyon, which surrounds himself with pictures of their children. "You have to like crack. I just see them everywhere."
Pediatrics study focused on the reaction of the brain well-educated, middle-class mothers, but will have consequences for others. Mothers depression, for example, usually does not respond to their children smiling.

And other studies have shown that consumption of cocaine, drug that activates dopamine reward may be related to the brain caused by extraordinary babies smile. This can be attributed to high levels of child abuse among mothers addicted to cocaine, Strathearn said.

Other scientists engaged emotions influence of parents in childhood, but this study was limited to biological mothers and infants, Strathern said.
His work was financed by the National Institutes of Health, Kane Family Foundation, the National Institute of neurological disorders and stroke and the National Institute of Drug Abuse. If the investigation can help, Lyons said he was happy to participate.
"I think that is good for all children," he said. "Everyone deserves loving mother."
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